Cubs - Apache and Cheyenne Packs

The Cub Pack is the second section of 3rd Buckingham Scout Group following on from Beavers. Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 ½. We have 2 cub packs: Apache and Cheyenne.

For membership enquiries please email our Group Scout Leader, Neil Blunstone at

Closed Facebook group (approvals only to parents of current Apace Cubs)

Louise Grensted

Apache Pack

Apache Pack meet on Thursdays between 1900hrs and 2030hrs. It's leaders are Emma Beckley and Louise Grensted.

Emma Beckley

Cheyenne Pack


Cheyenne Pack meet on Mondays between 1845hrs and 2015hrs. It's leaders are Chris Scadden, Richard Stockill, James Rowe, Rich Winnett, Anna Mason and Julie Houston

Closed Facebook group (approvals only to parents of current Cheyenne Cubs)


For Cubs, excitement and adventure are key. Their programme offers a huge variety of activities surrounding areas of fitness, global and beliefs; whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their local communities. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take part in adventurous activities, as well as camps and residential experiences.

Chris Scadden

James Rowe

Anna Mason

Richard Stockill

Rich Winnett

Julie Houston